The San Francisco Marathon Mile 11: Course Landmarks

The San Francisco Marathon Mile 11 STATS

Neighborhood: Fort Baker

Elevation Change: Starts at 75’, ends at 15’ (gradual descent)

Stations (water/food/toilet): 

Best Spot for Family/Support: 

In Mile 11 runners and spectators will be treated to expansive vistas of the bay and San Francisco, as the course makes its way down East Road.

When you get to the bottom of the hill you will have reached Fort Baker. The course takes you past the parade grounds and the Discovery Museum. The Bay Area Discovery Museum, located in Sausalito, just north of San Francisco,  provides high-quality, research-backed experiences to children of all ages.

San Francisco Marathon Mile 11 - Course 2022 Landmark Discovery Museum

Past the museum, runners bare left onto Moore Rd., which completes mile 11.

As we leave Mile 11 and go onto Mile 12 , we look forward to head over the full Bridge! Watch the mile 11 video below and then Click Next Mile…






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