Shoe Contest!
In honor of our beloved Shoe Logo, we challenged runners to show us their shoes and tell us a little bit about them for a chance to win a free race registration! As some of you may have experienced, some people have long-term relationships while others are shoe-hoppers who can’t commit. Some experiment with shoes- it’s all about trial and error, and some are more dedicated to their shoe brand and model than they are their spouse.
On the road to shoe-bliss, there can be some bumps in the road, as well as amazing discoveries. So don’t be shy- tell us what you’ve learned and learned to love about your shoes. There’s still a week to enter the contest. AND tune in tomorrow at 10AM for an amazing Crowdrise contest – (it *may* have to do with shoes 😉 .
Here’s MY Shoe Story:

These are my Brooks Adrenalines. I bought my first pair of Brooks Adrenalines while training for my first marathon in 2008. I shopped around and tried Nikes and the next update to the Adrenalines, but it wasn't until many updates later that I really fell head over heels. Brooks presented the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 10- and while I'd always loved my Adrenalines, this update was absolute perfection. It fit my foot like a glove, gave me the stability I needed and didn't wear down too fast. Since the GTS 10 came along, I've run 5 more full marathons in probably 6-7 pairs in all different colors- blue, sea green, purple. They've been to NYC, Phoenix, Napa, Portland, Seattle, Bend, Long Beach, and more. I wouldn't be the same without them. 🙂
And here are a couple of my favorites from Facebook:

"My New Balance and I have been together for almost 3 years. We have ran over 780 miles, overcoming all kinds of terrains and weather conditions across 5 countries. From inspiring sunset runs by the Australian beaches to the chilly early-morning races in Canada. I guess I will miss them... after the 2011 SF Marathon." -Raul Z

"These are my Brook's Defyance...all gussied up and ready for the 2010 Relay. I am sad to say it, but we have a love-hate relationship. There are times where I hate putting them on because that means my lazy time is over. But I LOVE how they keep my feet happy while I run and the enjoyment they help me find when I accomplish another adventure. In 2.5 yrs of running these Defyances (and the 2 pairs before them) have seen me through 6 half marathons (including the first half of the SFM twice), 2 Relays, a dozen 10ks, countless training miles and 15 lbs of weight loss. I think it's safe to say that they are happiest when they're on my feet and I am a happier, healthier person now that they've found a way into my life." -Kelli B

"I think I've run in every possible kind of Saucony shoes (including trail!) because I Love 'em!!" -Robin W

"a couple months ago my friend got really excited about running. he joined a running group and got excited about owning his first official pair of 'running shoes'. Road Runner Sports is a great resource for new runners...that's where i went (years ago). Anyway, my friend (let's call him jason) was excited to report back that he got fitted with some Asics Kayanos. Nice, i thought. That's the shoe I've been running with for the last 4 years. Then i thought some more. Heavier runners need more cushion in their shoe. with jason outweighing me by 75 lbs, it was clear i was running with too much shoe. with this information and two fresh new pairs of kayanos to run through each step in the runs to follow felt labored, weighed down. Were the shoes i've trusted through 4 years and over a dozen pairs holding me down? prob not significantly, but when i arrived to movin shoes and told them i've been running w/ Kayanos they gave me a wtf are your crazy face and validated my too much shoe theory. awesome. I went w/ new balance 870s with the help of an old dude and a cat." -Ryan E

"These are my 2nd pair of ASICS GEL CUMULUS . We have been thru quite alot. We've covered great distances at great speeds. Even though I strayed from the relationship (we don't mention the NIKE and MIZUNO incidents), I thought of ASICS the entire time I swear. We were reunited for my 1st Marathon. It was all Luvy duvie at the start, by mile 16 we were'nt even speaking but we made up just in time to cross the finish line. Oh ASICS, I can't quit you. You are forever my sole mate." - Scott R

"My running shoes and I explore the cities, ,valleys,mountains,lakes ....together from Bora Bora to Guatemala,from Belize to Viet Nam.They are always the first ones that get in my suitcase. Two pairs of Nike Air-Max here IN California and 3 pairs( one at my host family house in Italy,one at my mother's house in Istanbul and one at my summer house in Bodrum,Turkey) are all waiting for me for the action !!" -Dilek U

"The black Nikes are my cross-training, mud run shoes. I use the Asics for short training and treadmill work. But then there are my Mizunos. Oh, my beloved Mizunos. They are my distance shoes. My retired shoes are on the left…I can’t seem to get rid of them. They are my trophies of miles conquered: fond friends who never let me down. My current pair, on the right, will be retired soon. They carried me through my first marathon in January. And yes, I will be purchasing the Wave Elixir 6 as a replacement. As an added bonus: my feet, well, my toes, in particular. The discolored toenails are the result of my infidelity. I tried a shoe that simply couldn’t live up to my Mizunos, those glorious heavenly carriages." -Cassie S
Only a few more days to share with us! Post your shoe story to our Facebook Fan Page!