Getting Lost in the Numbers

Guest Blogger Jerry Allison

When I first started running, I just ran. I ran at 3 a.m. when I couldn’t sleep or at noon when it was warm. I’d run at 5:45 a.m. before classes and before Austin woke up to the new day.

Then came marathon training plans, races, Dailymile and my Garmin. Now I can’t get enough.

I want to log more and more miles just to keep up with my Dailymile friends and to hit that 1000 miles in a year or more. I guess I have runner’s envy. Or maybe just number envy.

But now I have too many numbers in my head and it gets me antsy. It’s been going on for about a month or two and I’ve been trying to figure out how to let it go.

To not think about the numbers. I haven’t come up with a solution.

Maybe I need to stop with Dailymile or turn my Garmin off a few more days in a month.

Have you ever had number envy? Did you a way to not worry about the numbers?

Jerry Allison lives in the DC area. She can be found working the Pacers running store floor, fitting runners for shoes. If she’s not there you can find her running the trails, writing for her blog, Eat to Run Run to Eat, or watching the newest Bravo marathon. She ran her first marathon for her twenty-first birthday and will be completing her seventh half for her 26 birthday. If your looking for new shoes or gear, IT band advice, or just want to talk, find her on Twitter.

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