6 results for tag: Coach Karen

Race Day Logistics FAQ with Coach K: Get Ready to Roll!

Race Day mornings can be a stressful affair. What do you need to pack the night before? How are you going to get to the start line? Will you eat your favorite Nutella-banana sandwich or stick with something else? And unless you're one of our ultramarathoners, you'll have to decide when to get up, too! Getting ready for race day ... More

I Can’t do my Long Run. What Now? Coach K to the Rescue!

Welcome to the third installment of our three-part series about the long run by Coach Karen. We discussed the "why" and talked about the "when, where, and wear." Now it's time to look at the times when things don't work out as planned: "What should I do when I can't do my long run?" Written by Coach Karen Peterson Edited by ... More

The Long Run with Coach K: Let’s Go Long!

As discussed previously, the long run is the foundation of your training, no matter the distance of the event you’ve signed up for. In the previous article in this series, we went over all the ways that the long run benefits you, both physically and mentally, and why it’s important to prioritize them in your training. ... More

Mental Training for Your Best Performance: 3 Ways to Up Your Brain Game

You’re registered for your goal race, and you’ve committed to training so that you can be as prepared as possible to toe the line. You have a training plan to follow and, for the next few months, you'll steadily and thoughtfully increase your mileage for the demands of race day. Heck, you’ve even bought fresh running ... More

Cross-Training for Runners: Strength, Stability and Agility for Trails AND Pavement!

It’s no secret: cross-training is crucial support for your running goals. However, life often gets in the way. What’s more, in the crunch for time that can happen as training for your event gets more demanding, other kinds of workouts can take the back seat to the actual running/walking! And if you’re one of us getting ... More

Goal Setting: A Guide by Coach K. (Set Your Body & Mind up for Success in 2023!)

After the typical highs and lows of the end of the year, it’s natural to get caught up in ruminations about what we want for our next spin around the sun. Some call these goals resolutions. I prefer to call them intentions or aspirations. Whatever we call it, goal setting is an important part of many people’s lives. ... More