Celebrate #GlobalRunningDay

Contributed by Lanette Dykman, a 2016 Ambassador for The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon. Lanette is based in Thornton, Colorado, and blogs about her journey to completing TSFM at Becoming Runner.

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016, celebrates running with Global Running Day.  Whether you are an aspiring runner, new runner, or a veteran, this is a day of opportunity to celebrate the sport.  And, here are some simple ideas for how to do just that!

1. Run

Indulge yourself, find a new trail, or a trail that you have always wanted to explore, and take time to enjoy the scenery as you get in an awesome workout.  You know your usual routes, so take a moment to discover new routes in your area and mix up your typical training runs! There are also lots of organized runs to celebrate Global Running Day, all over the world.

2.  Inspire

Share your love of running.  Create a collage of your running photos, post to social media and contribute to the growing conversation about #GlobalRunningDay, or wear your favorite running shirt.  Encourage others to set a goal or join and event with you. Change your regular routine by celebrating with a new running buddy or adding more to your group.

3.  Mentor

Do you know someone that wants to learn to run, but is struggling?  Reach out, volunteer to help with an event, take time to share your love and give back to the sport. Offer advice about stretching, pacing, fueling, or more. Sharing your knowledge will inevitably support a new runner in their own journey.

4. Set a goal

Crank up the volume, and your training, by entering a race.  By putting that goal out there, you will be more consistent on your training to meet that goal. This is a great time to register for The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon!

5. Make Friends

Tired of running alone, join a running club or meet-up.  There are a ton of opportunities out there to join fun runs, meetups, or running clubs.  These are opportunities to not only socialize with like-minded people, but also to possibly find a running partner, or develop life-long friendships.

6:  Join an Organized Event

Two million runners and counting have pledged to run on Global Running Day! Rally your friends and join runners all over the world on June 1st! Grab your kids, or friends, and pledge to run as part of Global Running Day.

Here in San Francisco, The Biofreeze San Francisco Marathon and Sports Basement have teamed up to present a Fun Run to honor Global Running Day.

Wednesday, June 1 at 6:30PM
Sports Basement Bryant
1590 Bryant Street
San Francisco, California 94103

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