The San Francisco Marathon Mile 17: Course Landmarks

The San Francisco Marathon Mile 17 STATS

Neighborhood: Richmond/Golden Gate Park
Elevation Change: Starts at 203’ and ends at 262’. The most of the elevation comes in the park
Stations (water/food/toilet): Water at approx. 16.6 miles
Best Spot for Family/Support: Stow Lake Drive or Stow Lake

Mile 17 is a nice run from residential through Golden Gate Park. The Richmond area of San Francisco is in the northwest corner of the city and is bordered by the Golden Gate Park, the Pacific ocean and multiple other city parks. It is a wonderful SF neighborhood. In mile 17 runners will go through four blocks of residential and then get to Fulton Street, go left there and then take a right on 25th street to get into Golden Gate Park.

Runners will then follow JFK Dr. East, under the overpass, past Rainbow Falls, the second man-made falls in the park which was illuminated by colored lights on its opening in 1930. Once they pass there, they will turn right onto Stow Lake Drive. On the left, winding down mile 17 will be the Redwood Memorial Grove.


San Francisco Marathon Mile 17 - Course Landmark 2022 - Redwood Memorial Grove

This was planted for soldiers who gave their lives in WWI. The Grove is of importance to the city and is a landmark that should be on every SF marathon spectator view list pre or post marathon.

There is a lot more to explore in our final miles. From the full of Golden Gate to the other landmarks leading to the Bay bridge finish line!  Watch the mile 17 video below and then let’s go onto 18 ! Click Next Mile…







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