Long Beach meets San Francisco!

This weekend, the marketing guru from the Long Beach International City Bank Marathon came up to visit for some fun! Since we both have pretty similar jobs at our respective races, and we're both races in The California Dreamin Racing Series, we figured we'd have a ton to talk about. More

Silverlake and Slayer

After conquering the ability to run a mile, running for me became what most new additions to my life become: an excuse and justification to consume products relating (no matter how slightly) to that new addition. A few years back, when I decided to take up swimming, I bolted to the sporting goods store and reveled in the joy of discussing goggles, nose plugs and swimming caps. It didn’t matter that I had swum once for 20 minutes in the pool at my gym, it especially didn’t matter that I had next to ZERO knowledge about proper swimming form and no grace. The fact was that I was swimming and that was excuse enough to compile a bunch of S-T-U-F-F. The swimming hobby didn’t take, and for years I had a drawer filled with practically brand new swimming paraphernalia.


A few of my favorite things

Although I'm not a dedicated Oprah watcher, I did always tune into her annual (or sometimes bi-annual) "Favorite Things" show. The show would feature the best of the best- apparel, electronics, foods, you name it. Well, here are a few of the things and places that I love:


Top 3 Tips for New Runners

I love the smell of Cytomax in the morning……….it smells like victory. However on this morning all I can smell is fear, uncertainty, and nervousness. No, I’m not on the field of battle or amongst my fellow runners in a corral waiting for the starting gun. I’m standing in front of the SFM training class of 2010.


Training Tips from GU Energy

As you ramp up your training volume here are a few things to keep in mind that the scientific community has learned about endurance nutrition. The team at GU Energy is proud to be the official on-course energy product of the San Francisco Marathon and we have spent nearly 20 years working with professional athletes and leading scientists to formulate and optimize performance energy products for endurance athletes.


Running a Mile: An Odyssey

I didn’t intend to start running. It all started with a dog: Auggie. After the divorce, I decided that I should have a dog; something to sit at my feet while I worked. I had grand images of a pampered pooch splayed out on the rug, chin resting on my feet, always at the ready with some Norman Rockwell version of my life involving slippers ... More

To Goo or not to Goo

To Goo or not to Goo Cynthia Bates, Whole Body Health Today I went out to talk to runners training for the marathon. One of the questions that came up was “to Goo or not to Goo” - what do you do to sustain energy on a long run? Let's start first with the physiology of the digestive system. Digestion is one of the bodies long-term ... More

Run,Eat,Repeat’s “Salty Carbs”

Hello! This is Monica from Run, Eat, Repeat (www.runeatrepeat.com) . I write a little blog about my two favorite things – running and eating. Sometimes these two topics collide in a great way when I have to figure out what to eat before I run. My go to meal is Salt Carbs.

The night before a long run or race I swear by salt carbs. I believe in carb loading, but I also make sure that I eat enough salt as I sweat abnormal amounts ;)

My go-to meal is a big stir-fry with tofu, veggies and copious amounts of brown rice with soy sauce. It doesn’t hurt that this is one of my favorite meals too! More

Tapering Runner Ahead

I can’t sleep, I worry about every little twinge in my body and I’m too distracted to even pack. In a word, I’m tapering. Ah, the taper – you either love it or hate it. It drives me a little nuts since I feel like I have all this extra time, but I fill most of that with fretting about whether my goal pace is appropriate or backpedal... More

Running Yoga

Running Yoga Ryan DeMatteo, Yoga Instructor I would not call myself a runner, though like many I have participated in the act before.  Running is of a universal language for many species living on our planet.  The banana slug may not speak it, but it may be that running (like everything) is relative.  Maybe that slug is running? Maybe ... More