Why I Avoided the Marathon; as Seen Through The Eyes of My 3 Year Old

I’m a planner. I’m a preparer. I’m an analyzer. I’m rarely spontaneous, and if I occasionally appear to be, it’s probably something that’s been on my mind for a while. So I’ve been running for 6 years. In this time, I’ve learned a ton about running and about what works for me with my running. I’ve had one real injury (back in 2005), and I’ve had two babies (2007 & 2010), the first with a normal delivery resulting in a broken tailbone and the second via C-section to avoid another broken tailbone. I’ve completed 20 half marathons. But I’ve always avoided the marathon. For a while I’ve been thinking that maybe I was finally ready to do a marathon. I’ve learned how to train, I’m good about maintaining my running routine, and I’ve gathered lots of experience over time. More

Japan Relief

The SF Marathon is reaching out to help relief efforts in Japan. More

Happy Thoughts

Wrapping one’s mind around the epic journey/ adventure/ life altering task that training for a marathon is can be quite insane. It can even scare the weaker folks enough that they quit a few weeks into their training and there are those that never even try.  So in the coming weeks I’ll be throwing out my random thoughts, experiences, ... More

Bridget Batson’s Weekly Running Recipe- Week 4

Roasted Pork Tenderloin with Thyme and Dried Apricot Chutney As we patiently wait for spring, dried fruits are a staple for any pantry. I chose apricots for this recipe but raisins, prunes, cherries and figs are a delicious accompaniment to the roasted pork. You will need: A 400-degree oven 12 oz pork tenderloin 1 T thyme, chopped olive ... More

Bridget Batson’s Weekly Running Recipe- Week 3

Buckwheat Soba Noodles with Ginger, Scallions, Asparagus and Napa Cabbage This recipe is great because it can be customized however you like. Serve hot or with any meat, fish or vegetable you are in the mood for. You will need: 8 oz buckwheat soba noodles, cooked ½ cup scallions, thinly sliced 1 cup zucchini, grated 1 cup carrot, grated 1 ... More

Bridget Batson’s Weekly Running Recipe- Week 2

Olive Oil Poached Tuna with White Beans, Spring Garlic and Whole Wheat Spaghetti This time of year is really fun! We have tiny hints of spring popping up. Spring garlic, spring onions and rumors of peas and asparagus. You will need: 8 to 10 oz of ahi tuna, cut into 1-inch cubes 2 cups olive oil salt & pepper For the pasta: 8oz white ... More

Shoe Contest!

In honor of our beloved Shoe Logo, we challenged runners to show us their shoes and tell us a little bit about them for a chance to win a free race registration! As some of you may have experienced, some people have long-term relationships while others are shoe-hoppers who can't commit. Some experiment with shoes- it's all about trial and error, and some are more dedicated to their shoe brand and model than they are their spouse. More

Bridget Batson’s Weekly Running Recipe- Week 1

Spice Rubbed Grilled Chicken Breast with Blood Oranges, Tangerines, Escarole & Almonds It's citrus season! There are so many options for citrus right now. Meyer lemons, kumquats, bergamot……….  so feel free to experiment. You will need: A hot grill ! For the rub: 2 T of your favorite extra virgin olive oil 2 tsp ginger, ... More

Decisions, decisions…

As promised, I'm writing down and planning my 2011 Race Calendar. Yesterday I told you all the factors that I consider when planning the year that inevitably has led me to my choices. However, I also told you about my issues with sticking to the plan, impulse registering, and all of that. SO, here is my TENTATIVE calendar: More

Planning my 2011 Racing Calendar

Yesterday I wrote my NYC Marathon Race Report. After crossing the finish line, I realized that for the first time in a LONG time, I don't know what's next. Since I started working at The SF Marathon, I learned very quickly the importance of planning your racing schedule in advance because some races sell out, some have lottery systems, some increase prices over time, and it's best to give yourself plenty of time to map out training routines. So, today I've taken some time to sit down and think about my goals for next year. I started really basic, with what I know. More